
The Center for Teacher Education at Colorado Mesa University offers 13 approved licensure and endorsement programs. Our programs are authorized by the Colorado Department of Education and the Colorado Department of Higher Education. Center for Teacher Education alumni work as teachers and administrators throughout Colorado and the U.S.

Options for licensure and endorsement include:

Throughout our programs, the Center for Teacher Education (CTE) is dedicated to our mission of providing teachers who are competent in subject matter, are experts in professional teaching, and have a passion for innovation within their classrooms. In our graduate programs, we strive to enhance the professional careers of educators to facilitate student achievement in their classrooms and schools.

Learn more about our vision for educator preparation from interviews with CTE faculty below or by surveying our Student Learning Outcomes 页面.


Educational Leadership Program: 


Early Childhood SPED, Exceptional Learner Coordinator:
Dr. 安Gillies


Center for Teacher Education Department Head: 
Dr. 尼克巴


Secondary Coordinator & Assistant Department Head: 
Dr. 布莱克Bickham

